Summer School 2025: Participants Application Form


Summer School 2025: Spatial AI for Extreme Events and Disaster Resilience

UCAR Campus in Boulder, Colorado · August 4-8, 2025


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Summer School participants must be affiliated with a U.S.-based academic institution or organization.
Participants must be currently-enrolled or incoming (accepted to a program) graduate student or within four years having completed a graduate degree.
If you indicated "Other" above for your professional status, please explain here.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide a statement of interest that explains 1) why you would like to participate in the Summer School and 2) how the Summer School will contribute to your research and career development. The statement should be succinct (not to exceed one page) and should be in MS Word or PDF format. Name your file: yourfirstname_yourlastname_statement.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide a brief CV that details your education and research experiences. The CV should be succinct (not to exceed two pages) and should be in MS Word or PDF format. Name your CV: yourfirstname_yourlastname_CV.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you are a graduate student or postdoc, a letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor is required. The letter should endorse the applicant’s participation in the Summer School and explain how the Summer School experience will benefit the applicant’s research. The letter should be signed by the applicant’s advisor. Such a letter is not required for an early-career (non-student) applicant. The letter should be succinct (not to exceed two pages) and should be in MS Word or PDF format. Name the letter: yourfirstname_yourlastname_letter.
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