Summer School 2024 Agenda

Time (MT) Agenda Item Location
8:00 AM Working Breakfast CG1 Atrium
8:45 AM Greetings & Notes for the Day
Mohan Ramamurthy, University Consortium for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
CG1 Center Auditorium
9:00 AM Group Work Session 6 Team Work Rooms
12:00 PM Working Lunch CG1 Atrium
1:00 PM Group Work Session 7 Team Work Rooms
5:00 PM Day 4 Wrap-Up & Adjourn CG1 Center Auditorium
Evening Dinner On Your Own and Open Time

Team Work Rooms

Team Project Title Work Room
Team 1 Prediction of Pharmaceutical Removal from Wastewater with Machine Learning CG1-2126
Team 2 AI-Driven Analysis for Enhancing Biodiversity through Urban Green Spaces CG1-2503
Team 3 Changing Water Footprints in Arid Environmental Settings of the Southwestern United States CG1-2603
Team 4 GeoAI Applications to Predict Field Scale Actual Evapotranspiration CG1-2607
Team 5 Broadening Adoption of Cyberinfrastructure and Research Workforce Development for Disaster Management CG1-3150
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