Summer School 2023 Participants Announced

Posted 2 years ago

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I-GUIDE, the Institute for Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment, will host its popular Summer School program on the UCAR campus in Boulder, Colorado, from August 7 – 11, 2023. Graduate students and early career scholars will team up to address complex convergence science problems, supported by the technical capabilities of cyberGIS and high-performance computing. Participants will experience multidisciplinary and collaborative interactions that are key to convergence science solutions. Cross-cutting themes this year include geoethics, geovisualization, and reproducible and open science. Our application areas will include the changing climate’s effects on water and food insecurities, biodiversity, sustainable development, as well as the use of social science data and methods in convergent approaches.

We are pleased to announce the following participants for the 2023 cohort, whose participation is funded with generous support from the National Science Foundation.

Alexi Vogel, Arizona State University Keiko Nomura, Oregon State University
Amanda Charette, SUNY Env Science & Forestry Mallory Jordan, Auburn University
Andrew Zimmer, Montana State University Marian de Orla-Barile, Univ California, Santa Barbara
Carla Cruz Medina, Cal State Sacramento Marija Verner, Yale University
Claire Simpson, University of Colorado, Boulder Maryam Torkashvand, University of Iowa
Daniel Beene, University of New Mexico Michael Edidem, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Debayan Mandal, Texas A&M University Nam Pho, University of Washington
Denise Chavez, Kansas State University Oluwadamilola Salau, The Ohio State University
Dingyi Liu, University of Hawaii, Manoa Parin Bhaduri, Cornell University
Elaina Gonsoroski, Florida State University Qingqing Chen, University at Buffalo
Hao Yang, University of Georgia Riley Fukano, Johns Hopkins University
Hodo Orok, Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Ryan Zhou, University at Buffalo
Isaac Quaye, Clemson University Salar Jarhan, University of Wyoming
Jinwen Xu, Florida International University Subhashni Raj, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Jiwon Baik, Univ California, Santa Barbara Sukanya Dasgupta, Auburn University
Jiyoung Lee, Louisiana State University Yalin Yang, Univ of Texas at Dallas
Kate Brandt, UNC Chapel Hill Yanhong Huang, University of New Mexico
Kathleen Fowler, Northern Arizona University Yen-Yi Wu, University of Wyoming
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