I-GUIDE Data and Computation Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil odit magnam minima, soluta doloribus reiciendis molestiae placeat unde eos molestias. Quisquam aperiam, pariatur. Tempora, placeat ratione porro voluptate odit minima.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil odit magnam minima, soluta doloribus reiciendis molestiae placeat unde eos molestias. Quisquam aperiam, pariatur. Tempora, placeat ratione porro voluptate odit minima.


  • Hosted on Virtual ROGER (and mirrored on Jetstream as a backup)
  • Signup with institutional accounts through CILogon
  • Jupyter Notebook and Lab interface
  • Versioned kernels with prebuilt geospatial libs/tools
  • Job submissions from Jupyter to HPC resources using CyberGIS-Compute

URL: https://cybergisxhub.cigi.illinois.edu/

CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW)

  • CyberGIS-based water research platform integrated with HydroShare
  • Hosted on JetStream
  • HydroShare login
  • Bidirectional data transfer between HydroShare and Jupyter

URL: https://go.illinois.edu/cybergis-jupyter-water

HydroShare/CUAHSI JupyterHub

  • Hosted on the Google Cloud Platform
  • 5Gb of persistent storage
  • Multiple purpose-built environments to support water science research and education
  • Jupyter notebook, Lab, and RStudio coding interfaces
  • Bidirectional data transfer between HydroShare and Jupyter Environmentas via Python libraries and the HydroShare-on-JupyterHub lab plugin



  • kernel with common geospatial libraries (GDAL, QGIS)
  • access to HPC
  • HydroShare login
  • linked to HUB courses
  • GeoEDF data framework enabled
  • Notebook converted to online published tool

URL: https://mygeohub.org/tools/jupyter70

Open OnDemand

  • run on Anvil cluster

URL: https://ondemand.anvil.rcac.purdue.edu/


  • Runs RStudio in a browser
  • Access to HPC
  • Link to Hub courses
  • may convert to online published tools

URL: https://mygeohub.org/tools/rstudio


  • run on Anvil cluster

URL: https://ondemand.anvil.rcac.purdue.edu/

CUAHSI JupyterHub

  • Jupyter notebook, Lab, and RStudio coding interfaces

URL: https://jupyterhub.cuahsi.org

Purdue Anvil

  • Support Kubernetes based deployment via Rancher GPU System
  • 16 GPU nodes with four A100 GPUs eachLarge Memory SystemA
  • 32 nodes with 1 TB RAM eachTraditional HPC
  • 1000 AMD Epyc 128-core nodes, Slurm job submission Interactive Computing
  • Open OnDemand, Thinlinc remote desktop

URL: https://www.rcac.purdue.edu/anvil

NCSA Delta

  • 124 CPU nodes with 2 AMD EPYC 7763 (Milan) 64-core processors
  • 4 different GPU node configurations supporting 400 A100 GPUs, 400 A40 GPUs and 8 M100 GPUs

URL: https://allocations.access-ci.org/resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil odit magnam minima, soluta doloribus reiciendis molestiae placeat unde eos molestias. Quisquam aperiam, pariatur. Tempora, placeat ratione porro voluptate odit minima.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil odit magnam minima, soluta doloribus reiciendis molestiae placeat unde eos molestias. Quisquam aperiam, pariatur. Tempora, placeat ratione porro voluptate odit minima.


  • Input Plugins
    • NASAInput
    • FAOInput
    • WQPInput
    • DamFIMInput
    • ERA5Input
  • Filter Plugins
    • PathFilter
    • DatetimeFilter
    • DamFilter

URL: https://geoedf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/connectors-list.html


  • HDFEOSShapefileMask
  • SIMPLE Data Preprocessor (Part 1)
  • CSV to Header Array Format (HAR) conversion
  • WQPMap

URL: https://geoedf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/processors-list.html


  • Community repository for archiving, collaborating around, and publishing data, models, and notebooks/code
  • Public and private sharing of resources
  • Permanent publication of resources with DOI assignment
  • Group and Community functionality for sharing and collaboration
  • Flexible file-based data model for content within resources
  • Metadata catalog and discovery interface
  • Hosted at RENCI
  • Integration with 3rd party web applications and cloud computing tools, e.g. JupyterHub, MATLAB Online, etc.
  • Comprehensive REST API and Python Client library

URL: https://www.hydroshare.org

GeoEDF Workflow

  • Use GeoEDF to compose workflows consisting of data connectors and processors. Published workflows will be available

URL: https://geoedf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html


  • Workflows supported via notebooks/code shared in resources and launched into JupyterHub environments



A platform for online sharing, simulation and visualization of SWAT models


the US version of the SIMPLE-G model for gridded cropland use, crop production, consumption and trade


Minimize the processing tasks and deliver ready-to-use Earth observation data for hydrologic models


Provide high resolution river flow information for enhanced water resource management, education, and research. Users can upload their own SWAT model output and visualize the streamflow information.


General image processing tool for remote sensing images and most geospatial data

Ag Climate Viewer (ACV)

Enable users to plot local monthly temperature and precipitation variation back to 1980, track county crop yields and trends (where data is available), and consider crop yields in the context of monthly temperature, precipitation and growing degree day (GDD50) data.

Corn Growing Degree Day (GDD)

Planning tool for corn growers. Offer trend projections through the end of the calendar year. GDD projections, combined with analysis of historical analog data

California Food-Energy-Water System (CALFEWS) Model

An open-sourced, Python-based model for simulating the integrated, multi-sector dynamics of water supply in the Central Valley of California.


Construct a 3-D building model (reconstruction) given a picture of a building

Root Zone Water Quality Model

Whole-system model for studying crop production and environmental quality under current and changing climate conditions., developed by USDA-ARS


This tool generates the time series data of concentrations of different chemicals in the atmosphere.


Modeling of Cabon/Nitrogen cycling in agriculture soil


  • Private sharing, public sharing, and permanent publication with DOI
  • App launching interface for interaction with HydroShare resources

URL: https://www.hydroshare.org


  • Publish datasets from project space and associate with DOI
  • Published tools automatically get a DOI

URL: https://cybergisxhub.cigi.illinois.edu/


  • Publish/share notebooks on CyberGIS-Hub
  • Publish/share models through CyberGIS-Compute

URL: https://cybergisxhub.cigi.illinois.edu/

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