Navigating the Evolving Educational Landscape in a Convergent Geospatial World
March 23, 2022 11:00 am (Central Time)
Recorded VCO
The needs for geospatial education and workforce development are shifting under our feet. This webinar will explore these shifts and discuss the first steps aimed at adapting to a new educational landscape by connecting three active projects. The NSF-supported Hour of Cyberinfrastructure project is helping learners build Cyber Literacy for GIScience. The GeoCommons–a place for space–will serve as a geospatial collaboration hub for research, education, and engagement at the University of Minnesota. The NSF-supported I-GUIDE aims to transform geospatial data-intensive sciences, in part through innovating education and workforce development programs. Dr. Shook will share his vision and experiences in the pursuit of lowering barriers, bridging silos, supporting diverse learner pathways, and broadening education beyond a single degree.

Eric Shook
University of Minnesota