The Symposium on Spatial Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Data Science for Sustainability will explore theories, concepts, methods, and tools focused on data-intensive geospatial understanding for driving innovative cyberGIS (cyber-based geographic information science and systems) and spatial AI approaches to address sustainability challenges such as aging infrastructure, biodiversity loss, and food and water insecurity. The Symposium is sponsored by the Institute for Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE,, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Spatial AI and data science intersect three broad knowledge domains: (1) GIS and cyberGIS, (2) AI and data science, and (3) cyberinfrastructure and computational sciences. This symposium fosters this cross-disciplinary intersection and related synergy to seek fundamental geospatial understanding for guiding critical thinking, discovery, and innovation focused on sustainability solutions.
The Symposium on Spatial AI and Data Science for Sustainability will build on the successes of previous Symposia focused on cyberGIS and geospatial data science at AAG annual meetings since 2011. A suite of paper/panel sessions and workshops will address cutting-edge advances of cyberGIS, spatial AI and data science, and data-intensive geospatial understanding derived from spatial and spatiotemporal data synthesis. The topical themes of the symposium will include, but are not limited to, frontiers of cyberGIS, spatial AI and data science, high-performance computing approaches to geographic problem solving, multiscale mapping and analysis, geospatial approaches to resilience and sustainability challenges enabled by spatial AI and data science, and challenges and opportunities of education and workforce development in spatial AI and data science.
Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group (CISG), Geographic Information Science and Systems (GISS) Specialty Group, Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group, etc.
Panel Sessions
- Convergence Curriculum for Spatial AI and Data Science
- Geospatial Platform for Sustainability Research and Education
- Grand Challenges of Spatial AI and Data Science
- Spatial AI and Data Science for Sustainability Solutions
Paper Sessions
- Advances & Approaches in Coupled Human and Natural Systems Science
- Advances in multi-temporal remote sensing for terrestrial ecosystems
- Artificial intelligence and complex human-environment systems: Mutual linkages and benefits
- Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications
- Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications (2)
- Challenges and Opportunities of Spatial Accessibility
- Data- and Compute- Intensive Spatial Modeling for Complex Geographic Problems
- Deep Learning Approaches for Multi-Source Data Processing and Analysis: Cutting-Edge Methods and Applications for Unlocking the Value of Multimodal Data
- Explainable and Ethical Artificial Intelligence for Spatial Analysis
- GeoAI and Large Language Models: Tools, Techniques, and Sustainable Applications
- Geospatial Artificial Intelligence, Remote Sensing, and Deep Learning
- Geospatial Big Data for Analyzing and Understanding Human Mobility Patterns
- Harnessing Geospatial Big Data for Infectious Diseases
- Harnessing Geospatial Big Data for Urban Studies
- Human-Environment Interactions and Spatial Data Science
- Integrative Approaches to Understanding Human Mobility and Health Outcomes
- Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management
- Urban Sensing and Understanding via Geospatial Big Data and AI (1)
- Urban Sensing and Understanding via Geospatial Big Data and AI (2)
Workshops (Incomplete)
- Convergence Curriculum for Spatial AI and Data Science
- CyberTraining Workshop
If you are interested in organizing any sessions or panels as part of the Symposium, please contact Alexander Michels via To present a paper in any of the Symposium sessions, please register and submit your abstract online, and email your presenter identification number (PIN), paper title, and abstract to Wei Hu at by the AAG submission deadline (November 14th, 2024). We look forward to your submissions and participation!
- Shaowen Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
- Peter Darch, UIUC
- Jianguo “Jack” Liu, Michigan State University
- Fangzheng Lyu, Virginia Tech
- Zhe Zhang, Texas A&M University
- Wei Hu, UIUC
- Alexander Michels, UIUC
- Rebecca Vandewalle, UIUC
Organizing Committee
- Li An, Auburn University
- Luc Anselin, University of Chicago
- Marc Armstrong, the University of Iowa
- Peter Atkinson, Lancaster University
- David Bennett, the University of Iowa
- Budhendra L. Bhaduri, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Christopher Brunsdon, Maynooth University
- Barbara P. Buttenfield, University of Colorado Boulder
- Guofeng Cao, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Xiang Chen, University of Connecticut
- Alexis Comber, the University of Leeds
- Zhenhong Du, Zhejiang University
- Fabio Duarte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Chen-Chieh Feng, National University of Singapore
- Stewart Fotheringham, Arizona State University
- Jing Gao, University of Delaware
- Song Gao, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Michael Goodchild, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Joseph Holler, Middlebury College
- Yingjie Hu, Department of Geography, University at Buffalo
- Xiao Huang, Emory University
- Krzysztof Janowicz, University of Vienna
- Nattapon Jaroenchai, UIUC
- Myeonghun Jeong, Chosun University
- Jeon-Young Kang, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
- Yuhao Kang, University of Texas, Austin
- Peter Kedron, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Barry Kronenfeld, Eastern Illinois University
- Mei-Po Kwan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Gary Langham, American Association of Geographers
- Wenwen Li, Arizona State University
- Xiao Li, University of Oxford
- Bahar Dadashova, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
- Zhenlong Li, Penn State University
- Steven Manson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Harvey Miller, The Ohio State University
- Trisalyn Nelson, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Shawn Newsam, University of California, Merced
- Anand Padmanabhan, UIUC
- Jinwoo Park, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
- Ed Parsons, Google
- Ethan Shavers, United States Geological Survey
- Shih-Lung Shaw, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Xun Shi, Dartmouth College
- Renee Sieber, McGill University
- Diana Sinton, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
- Conghe Song, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Xiaopeng Song, Texas Tech University
- Lawrence Stanislawski, United States Geological Survey
- Kathleen Stewart, University of Maryland
- Daniel Sui, Virginia Tech
- Wenwu Tang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Ming-Hsiang (Ming) Tsou, San Diego State University
- Monica Wachowicz, the University of New Brunswick
- Zhaonan Wang, New York University, Shanghai
- John Wilson, University of Southern California
- Ningchuan Xiao, The Ohio State University
- Chaowei (Phil) Yang, George Mason University
- Xinyue Ye, Texas A&M University
- May Yuan, National Science Foundation
- Chuanrong Zhang, University of Connecticut
- Fan Zhang, Peking University
- Di Zhu, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Lei Zou, Texas A&M University