AAG 2023 Symposium on Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions


The Institute for Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE, https://i-guide.io) is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of its Harnessing the Data Revolution Big Idea initiative (https://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/big_ideas/harnessing.jsp). Sponsored by I-GUIDE, this symposium will explore theories, concepts, methods, and tools focused on data-intensive geospatial understanding for driving innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and cyberGIS (cyber-based geographic information science and systems) approaches to address sustainability challenges such as aging infrastructure, biodiversity loss, and food and water insecurity.

At the AAG 2023 annual meeting, the Symposium on Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions will be held by building on the successes of previous Symposia focused on cyberGIS and geospatial data science at AAG annual meetings since 2011. A suite of paper and panel sessions will address cutting-edge advances of cyberGIS, geospatial AI and data science, and fundamental geospatial understanding derived from spatial and spatiotemporal data synthesis. The topical themes of the symposium will include, but are not limited to, frontiers of cyberGIS, geospatial AI and data science, high-performance computing approaches to geographic problem solving, geographic approaches to resilience and sustainability challenges enabled by AI and cyberGIS, and challenges and opportunities of education and workforce development in harnessing the geospatial data revolution.


Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group (CISG), Geographic Information Science and Systems (GISS) Specialty Group, Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group, etc.

Panel Sessions

Paper Sessions 




Program Co-Chairs

Organizing Committee

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